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"On air. On sea. On land. Still the Internet's greatest wargame simulation."

"All the news that fits, we print."
May, 1996
Vol. 3, No. 5

In This Edition

What's New

Empire Java Client
Drake Diedrich has set up a java client for the Howitzer blitz.

Lafe 0.21 Alpha
is a new release from Drake Diedrich.

Server Changes
Both the experimental and the fully released servers have new patches.

Empire Server Announcement Mailing List
A moderated list of changes and current proposals.

Current Games
One new long term game started up this month.

British IV
was won by GranBretan.

Thematic III: The Valley
was won by RTFM and chilidog.

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Current Games

Current Long-Term Games (
Bayou Blitz II began since the last Empire News. I'm not sure what
happened to Lunatic Fringe II (Waterworld).

Current Blitzes (
For the most up-to-date information on available blitzes, see the Empire
page above. By popular demand, here are the three blitzes confirmed
operational at press time:

          Blitz Name  Host                      Port Comments
          Howitzer                7778 Latest server developments.
          UAlberta  7777 Pretty vacant.  Good for 
          British       7777 Food is on.  Some server 

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Empire Java Client.
Drake Diedrich has set up an empire client for the Howitzer blitz for
java-enabled browsers. Connect to it at
( Source is available from Drake's page (

Lafe 0.21.
An updated lafe alpha from Drake Diedrich is available on the PEA

Client Discussion Mailing List.
Subscribe to the discussion list focussing on client development by
sending mail to with "subscribe" in the
message body. Approval for inclusion takes place before you receive any
mail. Catch up on archived messages by visiting the Planet Empire
Archives, under Client Discussion (

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The Empire 3 Server
If you'd like to try running the new server
(, it is available on
PEA. The latest release (3.1.1a) fixes a bug that could affect game
balance. Patches to the server can be downloaded from the patch directory (
The experimental (
server is also available. It contains a few changes and is now at
release 3.1.13. Janjaap van Velthooven inserted the RESEARCH option
and Steve McClure added several options including those from his Euro
Empire game.

For an up to date list of the changes in the new server, connect to
the Howitzer Blitz ( and type "info Empire3".

Empire Server Discussion Mailing List
The mailing list, a forum of discussion regarding changes to the server,
has been established. If you have time to help with the server project, or
would like to participate in the on-going plans, send mail to with "subscribe" in the message body. There is an approval process, so any useful information about your
interest in the discussion helps.

To receive notification of new server changes and periodic postings of
change proposals, send mail to with the line:
"subscribe empire-announce" in the body of the message.

A more general mailing list is available to all coders, good players, and
especially deities. Subscribe to this list to keep abreast of all coding
changes by sending mail to with "subscribe" in the message body.

To subscribe to a digest, send mail to, and include in the body: "subscribe empire-list-digest".

How to Run a Game
Before making a game announcement to, please read and heed this document.

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This month's winners

British IV
was won by GranBretan.

         sects  eff civ  mil  shell gun pet  iron dust oil  pln ship unit money
GranBreta 1.0K  95% 668K  14K  31K 3.5K  13K 231K 8.0K  22K 220  100   80  235K
  Uppland 745   98% 520K  14K  17K 645   12K 245K 6.2K  19K 120   80  100  100K
 Ratsbane 490   97% 375K  16K  31K 2.2K  18K 205K 4.7K  14K  30   70   40   65K
   Banzai 155   98% 101K 6.2K 200   20  800   12K 700  1.1K   0   80   20   45K

Thematic III: The Valley
was won by RTFM and chilidog. No power chart is available.

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This Newsletter

Mark Ballinger is responsible for the Empire News and the Empire FAQ. If you have suggestions, corrections or announcements, please email me at

Mark Ballinger (Uesugi)

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   = The Empire News is a publication of Wolfpack Empire, bringing =
   =  you the best in Empire since 1996.  If you would like to add =
   =    content (new games, games ending, new web sites, hints,    =
   =  Anno of the Month submissions, etc. to the next edition of   =
   =        the Empire News, please contact the editor at          =
   =                           =