Command : SHOW


[##:##] Command : show <land|nuke|plane|sector|ship> [b|s|c] [tech]

[##:##] Command : show <bridge|item|news|product|tower>

[##:##] Command : show <updates> [number]

The show command shows characteristics of sectors, units (ships, planes, land units and nukes), bridges (spans and towers), items, news and products, as well as information on updates.

Characteristics are more fully described in separate info pages (Ship-types, Nuke-types, etc.).

For sectors and units, a further parameter is required to indicate whether you wish information about building (b), statistics (s) or capabilities (c) of the selected type.

By default, unit characteristics are shown at 1.25 times your current technology level. You can ask for a lower level with the optional tech parameter. Units beyond that level are not shown; you can only get information on units that you are already or almost capable of building.

So, for example
[##:##] Command : show nuke capabilities

will give something like

Printing for tech level '325'
              blst dam lbs tech res $        abilities
10kt  fission    3  70   4  280  93 $  10000
15kt  fission    3  90   5  290  96 $  15000
50kt  fission    3 100   6  300 100 $  25000
100kt fission    4 125   8  310 103 $  30000
5kt   fusion     2  80   1  315 104 $  12500
75kt  fusion     3  90   3  320 106 $  20000

See also : Ship-types , Nuke-types , Plane-types , Unit-types , Sector-types , Ships , Planes , LandUnits , Nukes , Bridges , Item-types , Products , newspaper , Updates