Subject : MAPS

bdes Manually change your bmap
bestpath Show the best path from one sector to another
bmap * Big map of all your worldly knowledge
lbmap * Big map of all your worldly knowledge around a land unit
lmap * Map around a land unit
map * Generate a map showing sector types, seas, etc
nbmap * Big map of all your worldly knowledge around a nuke
nmap * Generate a map showing new sector types or around a nuke
origin Change the origin of your country's coordinate system
pbmap * Big map of all your worldly knowledge around a plane
pmap * Get a map around a plane
realm * Print out or modify one of your realms
sbmap * Big map of all your worldly knowledge around a ship
sect Show only sectors owned by you in map form
sharebmap Share parts of your bmap with another country
smap * Get a map around a ship
survey Show distributions in map form

For info on a particular topic, type "info <topic>" where <topic> is one of the topics listed above. Topics marked by * are the most important and should be read by new players.